Kinyingarra Guwinyanba / Megan Cope / Milani Gallery
Reko Rennie / UAP / Brisbane +
Judy Watson / UAP / Brisbane +
Onespace Gallery Documentation / Ruth Cho / Sebastian Di Mauro / Elisa Jane Carmichal / Brian Robinson / Jo Lankester +
Jan Manton Gallery / Simon Degroot / Natalie Lavelle +
One continuous string / Kyra Mancktelow +
65,000 Photographs / Idris Khan / I & A Art Ltd / Brisbane +
IMA Artist Talks
An Alternative Economics / REBIRTH IS NECESSARY / Institute of Modern Art
Looking Glass / Judy Watson & Yhonnie Scarce / QUT Art Museum
Heal Country / Rachael Sarra / Outerspace Brisbnae +
22 Stories / David Spooner / Outerspace Brisbane +
National Reconciliation Week 2022 – Be Brave. Make Change / Tori-Jay Mordey / Outerspace Brisbane +
QCA Live Art
Simon Degroot
Glasshouses / Christine Ko / Botanica / Brisbane +
Mangrove Poem / Emily Floyd / UAP / Brisbane +
Kinyingarra Guwinyanba / Megan Cope / Milani Gallery +
6 Hands / Rae Cooper / Brisbane
Floodlines / Alice Lang / UAP / Brisbane +
Strings of Waterholes / Elisa Jane Carmichael / Onespace Gallery +